Phlébologie Annales Vasculaires    Société Française de Phlébologie
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Catalogue / article

2019, 72, 4, p.61-66

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In which cases ultrasonic methods are they insufficient in the evaluation of venous disease of the lower limbs?

Auteurs/Authors : Maleti O.

Résumé :

Until the 1980s, radiological methods (phlebography) and volumetric methods (plethysmography) represented the techniques for investigating venous pathology of the lower limbs. Ultrasound diagnosis has replaced the methods mentioned above, although they provide additional information.
The information provided by ultrasonic techniques is both morphological and hemodynamic. These techniques are:
− non-invasive;
− of fast execution;
− reproducible.
All these elements make the Colour-coded Duplex Ultrasoud or more simply Duplex Ultrasound (DU) an essential instrument in phlebology, especially since phlebography is invasive and plethysmography is complex to perform.

Summary :

Until the 1980s, radiological methods (phlebography) and volumetric methods (plethysmography) represented the techniques for investigating venous pathology of the lower limbs. Ultrasound diagnosis has replaced the methods mentioned above, although they provide additional information.
The information provided by ultrasonic techniques is both morphological and hemodynamic. These techniques are:
− non-invasive;
− of fast execution;
− reproducible.
All these elements make the Colour-coded Duplex Ultrasoud or more simply Duplex Ultrasound (DU) an essential instrument in phlebology, especially since phlebography is invasive and plethysmography is complex to perform.

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Éditions Phlébologiques françaises.