Phlébologie Annales Vasculaires    Société Française de Phlébologie
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3D modelisation  (1)
4T Score  (1)
Abdomen  (1)
ABI  (1)
Absorption  (1)
Accessory saphenous vein  (1)
Acute phase  (1)
ADAM  (1)
Adherence  (1)
Adherence  (1)
Adipocytes  (1)
Adventitial cyst  (1)
Aetoxisclerol  (1)
Age  (2)
Agenesis  (1)
Aging  (2)
Air embolism  (1)
Allergy  (1)
Allograft  (1)
Almost-complete resolution in the postpartum period after the first pregnancy  (1)
alpha-thalassemia  (1)
Alprostadil  (1)
Ambulatory phlebectomy  (3)
Ambulatory surgery  (3)
AMM  (1)
Amount of energy  (1)
Amphiphilicmolecule  (1)
Anaesthesia  (1)
Anaphylactic Choc  (2)
Anatomy  (8)
Anatomy of veins  (1)
Aneurism  (2)
Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta  (1)
Angiodysplasia  (1)
angioma  (1)
Angioplasty  (2)
Angioscanner  (2)
Angiotensin  (1)
Antalgic  (1)
Anticoagulant  (3)
Anticoagulant therapy  (2)
Anticoagulation  (4)
Antiradical treatment  (1)
Anxiety  (2)
Arcuate ligament  (1)
Arms  (1)
Arterial compression  (1)
Arterial doppler of the lower limbs  (1)
Arterial pressure  (1)
Arteriovenous fistula  (1)
Ascending theory  (1)
Aspiration-evacuation  (1)
Aspirin  (1)
Assessment of professional practice  (1)
ASVAL  (2)
Asymptomatic arteriopathy  (1)
At risk occupation,  (1)
athlètes  (1)
Atypical  (1)
Autohemotherapy  (1)
Autoimmune testing  (1)
Azygos Vein  (1)
Azygos veins  (1)
B-Fc  (1)
B-Fi  (1)
B-flow ultrasound  (3)
Balaruc-les-Bains  (1)
Balloon catheter  (1)
Bandage  (3)
Bandage strips  (1)
Bassi Library  (1)
Bazin  (1)
Behçet's disease  (4)
Benefit/risk ratio  (1)
beta-thalassemia  (1)
Bibliographical references  (1)
Big arm  (1)
Biophysic behavior  (1)
Biophysics  (1)
Bipolar radiofrequency ablation  (1)
BMC  (1)
Bone  (1)
Breast cancer  (2)
Bubbles  (1)
Budd-Chiari syndrome  (1)
Burkina-Faso  (2)
Business traveller  (1)
Butane gas  (1)
C1  (1)
Calcium  (1)
Calculator  (1)
Calf compression manoeuver  (1)
Calf muscle pump  (2)
Calf venous pump  (1)
Calibre of saphenous veins  (1)
Calves  (1)
Canada  (1)
Cancer  (3)
Carboxytherapy  (2)
Cardiovascular disease  (1)
Cardiovascular disease  (1)
Cartography  (2)
Catheter  (2)
Catheter directed thrombolysis  (1)
caverno-venous leakage  (5)
Cavernoscanner  (5)
Ccomputerised programme  (1)
CEAP  (8)
CEAP Class Cos  (1)
CEAP classification  (3)
Cellar veins  (1)
Cellulitis  (4)
Cerebral accident  (1)
Cerebral veins  (1)
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis  (1)
Changes in attitudes  (1)
Changes in methods of treatment  (1)
Changing venous surgery  (1)
Channels  (1)
Chemical ablation  (2)
Chest  (1)
Children  (1)
Chitosan  (1)
Chrome glycerin  (2)
chronic cerebro spinal venous insufficiency  (1)
chronic pelvic venous insufficiency  (2)
Chronic phase  (1)
Chronic venous disease  (5)
Chronic venous disease  (7)
Chronic venous disease therapy  (1)
Chronic venous disorders  (13)
Chronic venous disorders of the limbs  (1)
Chronic venous edema  (1)
Chronic venous ulcers  (1)
Chronic wound(s)  (1)
Circumference  (1)
Citrus extract  (1)
Classification  (2)
Clinical outcome  (1)
Clinical symptoms  (1)
Clinical trial  (2)
Clinical trial  (1)
Closure Fast  (1)
Closure®  (4)
Coalescence  (1)
Cockett’s syndrome  (1)
Cohesion  (1)
Collagen  (1)
Colour duplex  (1)
Colour scale  (1)
Combined oral contraception  (1)
Comfort  (1)
Communication  (1)
Comorbidity  (1)
Compliance  (11)
Compliance and patient's comfort  (1)
Compliance to treatment  (1)
Complication  (13)
Complications  (1)
Compression  (14)
Compression after varicose vein treatments  (1)
Compression bandages  (1)
Compression garment  (1)
Compression of the iliac vein  (1)
Compression sclerotherapy  (4)
compression stockings  (2)
Compression stockings  (1)
Compression therapy  (1)
Compression therapy  (11)
Compression therapy  (1)
Compression therapy,  (1)
Compression tights  (1)
Compression treatment  (3)
Compression treatment  (1)
Compression with bag  (1)
Concentration  (2)
Concomitant  (1)
Concomitant phlebectomy  (1)
Congenital  (1)
Congestion  (1)
Connected object  (1)
Connector  (1)
Consensus  (1)
Consensus  (1)
Consensus document  (2)
Conservative surgery  (1)
Conservative treatment  (1)
Consistency  (1)
Contentious  (1)
Contraception  (2)
Controlled Ultrasound-Guided  (1)
Controlled ultrasound-guided tumescent anesthesia (CUGTA)  (1)
Conventional graduated elastic compression stockings  (1)
Coronary artery disease  (2)
Corrosion  (1)
Cost-effectiveness  (1)
couperosis  (1)
COVID-19  (3)
Cryosurgery  (1)
CT angio  (1)
Current practice  (1)
Cutaneous microcirculatory activity  (1)
Cutting  (1)
Cyanoacrylate  (3)
Cyanoacrylate glue  (2)
Cyclical oedema syndrome  (1)
Cysts  (1)
Daflon 500  (1)
Decision  (1)
Decongestive physiotherapy  (1)
Deep penile arteries  (1)
Deep venous surgery  (1)
Deep venous thrombosis  (2)
Deep venous thrombosis  (1)
Deep venous thrombosis  (22)
Deferred  (1)
Depression  (1)
Dermabrasion  (1)
Dermal thickness  (1)
Dermocorticoids  (1)
Descending theory  (1)
Diabetes  (1)
Diagnosis  (2)
Diameter  (3)
Diaphysis  (1)
Differential diagnosis  (1)
Digestive veins  (1)
Digital simulation  (1)
Dilatation  (1)
Diode laser  (1)
Direct oral anticoagulant  (3)
Direct puncture  (1)
Dispensing  (1)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIVC) Introduction Généralités  (1)
Distal venous thromboses  (1)
Donning gloves  (1)
Donning process  (1)
Doppler ultrasound  (3)
douleur pelvienne  (1)
Drainage  (1)
Dry foam  (2)
Dual connection  (1)
Dual wavelength laser  (1)
Duplex scanning  (1)
Duplex ultra sound  (1)
Duration of contact  (1)
DVT  (2)
Dystrophic venous network of the inguinal lymph nodes  (1)
Eccentric compression  (2)
Eccentric compression  (1)
Echo-Doppler  (20)
Echogenicity  (1)
Echographic investigation  (1)
Echographic probe carrier  (1)
Echoguided compression  (1)
Echoguided injection  (2)
Echoguided sclerosis  (3)
Echosclerosis  (1)
Echosclerotherapy  (5)
Echosclerotherapy  (13)
Edges of the plate  (1)
EFE  (1)
Efficacy  (2)
Ehlers-Danlos vascular syndrome  (2)
Elastic  (2)
Elastic bands  (1)
Elastic compression  (1)

Elastic compression  (11)
Elastic compressive stocking  (9)
Elastic stockings  (1)
Elastic textile compression garment  (1)
Elastin  (1)
Elderly  (1)
Elderly patient  (3)
Elderly patients  (1)
electronic CRF  (1)
Electrostimulation  (1)
Elephantiasis  (1)
Embolization  (3)
Embryology  (3)
Endolaser  (1)
Endoscopic ligature  (1)
endoscopic sclerosis  (1)
Endothelial cells  (1)
Endothelial dysfunction  (1)
Endothelin  (1)
Endovascular surgery  (1)
Endovascular techniques  (2)
Endovascular treatment  (2)
Endovenous  (1)
Endovenous ablation  (2)
Endovenous clips  (1)
Endovenous laser  (23)
Endovenous laser ablation  (4)
Endovenous obliteration  (1)
Endovenous procedures  (1)
Endovenous recanalization  (2)
Endovenous therapy  (1)
Endovenous thermal ablation  (4)
Endovenous thermal ablation with laser  (1)
Endovenous thermal procedures  (2)
Endovenous thermal treatment  (1)
Endovenous treatment  (4)
Endovenous treatment  (3)
Energy  (1)
Epidemiology  (7)
ERAS  (1)
Erectile cycle  (1)
Erectile dysfunction  (6)
Erectile maintenance insufficiency  (1)
Erectile organs  (1)
Erection  (1)
Estrogen plus progestin oral contraception  (1)
Etiléfrine  (1)
Etiologies  (1)
Evaluation  (4)
Evidence based medicine  (1)
Evidence-based medicine  (2)
Evolution  (1)
Experimental animal venous hypertension  (1)
Experts study  (1)
External compression  (1)
External popliteal sciatic nerve  (1)
External tumescence  (2)
Eyelids  (1)
Factor V Leiden mutation  (1)
Fat lobules  (1)
Femoropopliteal  (1)
Femoropopliteal obstruction  (1)
Filling  (1)
Fitzpatrick classification  (1)
Flavonoids  (1)
Fluence  (1)
Flush ligature  (4)
Foam  (22)
Foam pad  (2)
Foam sclerosing agent  (1)
Foam sclerotherapy  (1)
Foam sclerotherapy  (47)
Foam sclerotherapy  (4)
Foam sclerotherapy  (21)
Foam sclerotherapy via catheter  (1)
Foam stability  (1)
Foamability  (1)
Foaming through transfer  (1)
Food supplement  (1)
Foot anatomy  (1)
Four hands  (1)
Fractionation of the pressure column  (1)
French Authority of Health  (1)
French method  (1)
French Society of Phlebology  (2)
Frequency  (3)
Friction index  (1)
Functional rehabilitation  (2)
Funeral rites  (1)
Galenic preparation  (1)
Gerontology  (1)
Glycosaminoglycans  (1)
Graduated compression  (1)
Great saphenous vein  (17)
Great saphenous vein in situ  (1)
Grid  (1)
Growth factors  (1)
GSV  (3)
Guidelines  (2)
Haemolysis  (1)
Haemorrhage of varicosities  (1)
haemorrhoid disease  (1)
Haemosiderin  (1)
Hands  (1)
Healing  (6)
Heavy Legs  (1)
Hemodynamics  (4)
Hemorrhagic rupture  (1)
Heparin  (2)
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)  (1)
Heredity  (3)
Hhistamine  (1)
HIFU  (1)
high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) SONOVEIN  (1)
High resolution echography  (1)
Histological and ultrasound criteria  (1)
Histopathological changes  (1)
Histopathology  (1)
History  (3)
History of medicine  (1)
History of modern phlebology  (1)
Holistic approach  (1)
Hormonal contraception  (1)
Hormonal implants  (1)
Hormones  (2)
Hospitalized patients  (1)
Housework  (1)
Hunter’s canal  (1)
Hydrophilic head  (1)
Hydrophobic tail  (1)
Hydrostatic thrust  (1)
Hydrotherapy  (2)
Hydroxypolythoxydodecane (AET)  (1)
Hyperflows  (1)
Hyperpigmentation  (1)
Hyperpolarization  (1)
Hypertension  (1)
Hypo-osmolar injections  (1)
Hypo-osmolarity  (1)
Hypoosmolar tumescent anaesthesia  (1)
Hypoxemic lung disease  (1)
Hysteresis  (2)
Hysteresis curves  (1)
Iatrogenic pigmentations  (1)
Iloprost  (1)
Image processing  (1)
Imagery  (1)
Images ultrasound  (1)
In situ pressure measurement  (1)
In vitro pressure  (1)
Incidence  (1)
Incompetent saphenous trunks  (1)
Incompetent vein  (1)
Indications  (3)
Indications for sclerotherapy  (1)
Infection  (1)
Inferior vena cave malformations  (1)
Infra-inguinal by-pass  (1)
Infrared waves  (1)
Injection simulator  (1)
Instrumental criteria  (1)
Integrative Medicine  (1)
Integrin  (1)
Intensive physical activity  (2)
Interface pressure  (11)
Intermittent pneumatic compression  (4)
International anatomical nomenclature  (1)
International Compression Club  (1)
International recommendations  (1)
Intersaphenous vein  (1)
Intestinal constipation  (1)
Intra-arteriolar injection  (1)
Intra-fascial trunkal varicose  (1)
Intra-muscularpressure  (1)
Intracavernous pressure  (1)
Intracavernous self-injection  (1)
Intraosseous venous drainage  (1)
Involvement of the inferior vena cava  (1)
IPS measurement  (1)
ISO certification  (1)
Joules  (1)
Jugular vein  (2)
Kinetics  (1)
Klippel Trenaunay syndrome  (3)
Knots  (1)
Koebner phenomenon  (1)
Kotz currents  (1)
Laplace's law  (2)
Large calibre varices  (2)
Large saphenous trunks  (1)
Laser  (13)
Laser energy  (1)
Laser lypolysis  (1)
Laser wavelength  (1)
Lawsuits  (1)
Layer  (1)
Learning curve  (1)
LEED  (2)
left renal ptosis  (1)
left renal vein  (1)
Leg perforating veins  (2)
Leg ulcers  (7)
Leg vein anatomy  (1)
Legal defence  (2)
legal status  (1)
Leiomyosarcoma  (1)
Life style modification  (1)
Ligation stripping  (2)
Light medical compression stockings (10-20 mmHg)  (1)
Limb salvage  (1)
Lipodermatosclerosis  (1)
Lipoedema  (2)
Lipolysis  (1)
Liquid film surface  (1)
Liquid form  (1)
Liquid-to-air ratio  (2)
Literature  (1)
Literature's review  (1)
LMWH  (1)
Local management  (1)
Localized intravascular coagulation (LIVC)  (1)
Locomotor system  (1)
Long axis in plane  (1)
Long distance flights  (1)
Long stretch  (2)
Long-term compression  (1)
Longitudinal  (1)
Longitudinal puncture  (1)
Low molecular weight heparin  (1)
Low stretch bandage  (1)
Lower leg ulcers  (1)
Lower limb  (3)
Lower limb peripheral arterial disease (PAD)  (1)
Lower limb venous disease  (1)
Lower-limb varicose veins  (4)
Lymphatic drainage  (1)
Lymphatic filariasis  (1)
Lymphodynamic compression  (1)
Lymphoedema  (8)
Macrovascular thrombosis  (1)
Male impotence  (1)
Manual lymphatic drainage  (1)
Manufacture  (1)
Mapping of varices  (2)
Marathoners  (1)
marketing approval  (1)
Martial overload  (1)
Matrix  (1)
Matting  (3)
Measuring tape  (1)
medical compression  (3)
Medical compression stocking  (5)
Medical compression stockings  (3)
Medical compression stockings  (9)
Medical compression stockings adjusted at the clinic  (1)
medical demography  (1)
Medical device  (1)
Medical elastic stockings providing a negative pressure gradient  (1)
Medical environment  (1)
Melanogenesis  (1)
Melasma  (1)
Menopause  (1)
Mesh network  (1)
Mesodissolution  (1)
Mesodrain  (2)
Mesotherapy  (1)
Metabolic syndrome  (1)
Metalloproteinase  (1)
micro-CT  (1)
Microfoam  (2)
Microfoam as spray  (1)
Microfoam endovenous method  (1)
Micronized diosmin  (1)
Micronized purified flavonoid fraction  (1)
Microvascular thrombosis  (1)
Microvenography  (1)
Migraine  (1)
Migraine with aura  (2)
Minor chronic venous insufficiency  (1)
MOCA  (1)
Modified Wells score  (1)
Morbi mortality  (2)
Morphology  (1)
Mortality and early rehospitalization  (1)
Motorised traction  (1)

MRI  (1)
Multicomponent compression system  (1)
multidisciplinary committee  (1)
Multilayer bandage  (1)
Multiple factors  (1)
Multiple sclerosis  (1)
Muscles  (1)
Muscular fascia  (1)
Muscular fat necrosis  (1)
Muscular recovery  (1)
Myth of Isis and Osiris  (1)
Nd:YAG lasers  (4)
Necrotic angiodermatitis  (2)
Needle injection  (1)
Negative pressure therapy  (1)
Neovalve  (1)
Neovascularisation  (1)
nerve injury  (1)
Nerves of the lower limbs  (2)
Neurological complications  (1)
Nodes transplantation  (1)
Nomenclature  (1)
Non systematized and systematized network  (1)
Non-elastic  (1)
Non-elastic  (1)
Non-invasive diagnosis  (1)
NPA  (1)
Nursing  (1)
Nutcracker syndrome  (2)
Obesity  (1)
Objectives  (1)
Observational study  (2)
Oedema  (5)
Open surgery  (2)
Orthostatism  (1)
Osteopathy  (1)
Ostial insufficiency  (1)
Other localisations  (1)
Outpatient  (1)
Outpatienthospitalization  (1)
Overlying fascial saphenous veins accessories  (1)
Pain  (8)
Painful ulcer  (1)
Pancreatic cancer  (1)
Papaverine  (2)
Paræsthesia  (1)
Parietal inflammation  (1)
Partitions  (1)
Patent foramen ovale  (3)
Pathophysiology  (1)
Patient file  (1)
patient foramen ovale (PFO)  (2)
Patient profile  (1)
Patients' demands  (1)
Patients' survey  (1)
Patient’s compliance  (1)
Pelvic congestion syndrome  (1)
Pelvic congestion syndrome  (4)
Pelvic leakage points  (1)
Pelvic phlebography  (1)
Pelvic reflux  (2)
Pelvic varices  (1)
Pelvic varicose veins  (6)
Pelvic venous embolization  (1)
pelvis  (1)
Penile deep vein  (1)
Penile duplex scan, penile ultrasonography  (2)
Penis  (1)
Percutaneous laser  (1)
Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy  (2)
Perforating artery  (1)
Perforating veins  (4)
Perforation  (1)
Perforator  (1)
Perforator vein insufficiency  (1)
Performances  (1)
Peripheral arterial disease  (1)
Peroperative sclerotherapy  (1)
Persistent sciatic vein  (1)
Persistent sciatic vessel  (1)
PFO  (1)
Pharmacists  (1)
Pharmacological stimulation of erection  (1)
Pharmacomechanical thrombectomy  (1)
Pharmacomechanical thrombolysis  (1)
Phenylephrine  (1)
Phlebectomy  (1)
Phlebectomy  (10)
Phlebo-scanner  (1)
Phlebography  (1)
phlebologist  (2)
Phlebology  (9)
Phleboscore  (2)
Phlebotonic drugs  (1)
Photo-BioModulation  (1)
Physical evaluation  (1)
Physical exercise  (1)
Physical exercise  (1)
Physical, occupational constraints  (1)
Physicians' survey  (1)
Physicochemical ablation  (1)
Physiological disorders  (1)
Physiopathology  (2)
Physiotherapeutic treatment  (1)
Physiotherapy  (1)
Picots  (1)
Pigmentations  (2)
Pinch grafting  (1)
Placebo  (1)
Plantar static  (1)
Plantar veins  (3)
Platelet activation  (1)
Platelet factor 4  (1)
Plethysmography  (1)
Polidocanol  (9)
polidocanol foam  (1)
Polyhedric  (1)
Polyphenols  (1)
Popliteal entrapment  (1)
Popliteal fossa  (1)
Popliteal vein entrapment,  (1)
Pore3D  (1)
Post-partum  (1)
post-postprocedure  (1)
Post-sclerotherapy hyperpigmentation  (1)
Post-thrombotic disease  (1)
Post-thrombotic syndrome  (13)
Post-thrombotic syndrome  (2)
Postgraduate medical education  (1)
Postoperative compression  (1)
Postoperative recurrence.  (1)
Postoperative thromboembolic complication  (1)
posture  (1)
Potassium channels  (1)
Power  (1)
Practical training  (1)
Pre-sclerotherapy compression  (1)
Pregnancy  (6)
Pregnancy and sclerotherapy  (1)
Pregnant employees  (1)
Pregnant women  (1)
Preparation  (1)
Prescription  (2)
Pressure  (1)
Pressure measurement  (1)
Pressure measurement  (1)
Prevalence  (1)
Prevention  (2)
Primary and secondary  (1)
Private practice  (1)
Progestins  (1)
Progestogen-only method  (1)
Progressive compression  (1)
Prophylaxis  (3)
Prophylaxis drug  (1)
Proteoglycans  (1)
Psoriasis  (1)
Public health  (1)
Pudendal arteries  (1)
Pulmonary embolism  (4)
Pulse duration  (1)
Purpura  (1)
Pyoderma gangrenosum  (1)
Quality of life  (8)
Quality-safety culture  (1)
Quant3D  (1)
Quantification  (1)
Quantitative system  (1)
Questionnaire  (2)
Questionnaire on phlebology  (1)
Radiofrequency  (14)
Radiofrequency ablation  (1)
Radiofrequency device  (1)
Radiofrequency thermal ablation  (1)
Raising night  (1)
Raising the foot of the bed  (2)
Randomized control trial  (2)
Ratio 1/5  (1)
Ratios  (2)
RCT  (2)
Reason for consultation  (2)
Recanalization  (1)
Receptor  (1)
recommendation  (2)
Recommendations  (1)
Recommendations gradings  (1)
Recuperation  (2)
Recurrence  (7)
Recurrence of varices after surgery  (1)
Recurrent varices  (1)
Recurrent varicose veins  (2)
Reentry perforating veins  (1)
Reflux  (4)
Regionalisation  (1)
Registry  (1)
Regression in the postpartum monitoring  (1)
reimbursement  (1)
Renal adenocarcinoma  (1)
Renal vein anomalies  (1)
Renal vein thrombosis  (1)
Residual pigmentation  (1)
Resistance coefficient  (2)
Resting pressure  (1)
Restore foam without border  (1)
Result of the treatment  (1)
Results  (2)
Reticular veins  (2)
Reticularvein  (3)
Ribes nigrum  (1)
Right-to-left shunt (RLS)  (1)
Rigidity of material  (1)
Ripening  (1)
Risk factors  (3)
Risk of developing varicose veins  (1)
Risk/benefit  (2)
rosacea  (1)
Ruscus aculeatus  (1)
S.R.  (2)
Safety  (1)
Saffron  (1)
Sanitary conditions  (1)
Saphenectomy  (1)
Sapheno popliteal junction  (4)
Sapheno-femoral junction  (9)
Saphenous and peroneal nerves  (1)
Saphenous compartment  (1)
Saphenous fascia  (3)
Saphenous occlusion  (1)
Saphenous reflux  (1)
Saphenous reflux  (1)
Saphenous trunks  (1)
Saphenous vein  (12)
Saphenous veins  (2)
SARS-CoV-2  (1)
Scalability  (1)
Sciatalgia  (1)
Sciatic nerve  (1)
Sciatic pain  (1)
Sclerofoam (Aethoxysklerol®)  (1)
Sclerosants  (1)
Sclerosing agent  (2)
Sclerosing foam  (16)
Sclerosing foam  (3)
Sclerosing foams  (1)
Sclerosis  (2)
sclerotherapy  (11)
Sclerotherapy of telangiectasies  (3)
Sclerus  (1)
Screening  (2)
Scurvy  (1)
Season  (1)
Second skin ROSA  (1)
Secondary and late results  (1)
Secondary lymphoedema  (1)
Seldinger's technique  (1)
Selective pelvic embolisation  (1)
Selective pelvic phlebography  (1)
Self evaluation  (1)
Semantic confusions  (1)
Sensory analysis  (1)
Sequential phlebectomy  (1)
Severe chronic venous disease, C4-C6 (CEAP)  (1)
Severe venous insufficiency  (1)
Severity  (1)
Severity score  (2)
Sex hormones  (1)
SF36 quality of life score  (1)
Shen  (1)
Shiatsu  (1)
Short axis in plane  (1)
Short axis in plane-3/4  (1)
Short axis out plane  (1)
Short catheter  (1)
Short endovenous catheter  (2)
Short stretch  (1)
Short-stretch bandages  (2)
Side-effects  (4)
Silicone  (1)
Single layer  (1)
Single-centre study  (1)
Sit  (1)
Sit to stand  (1)
Size fitting  (2)
Skin biopsy  (1)
Skin cancer  (1)

Skin disease  (1)
Skin effective thermal conductivity  (1)
Skin grafting  (1)
Skin ulcers  (1)
Small saphenous artery  (2)
Small saphenous vein  (1)
Small saphenous vein  (10)
Smartphone  (1)
Smooth muscle  (1)
Socioeconomics  (1)
Sodium tetradecyl sulfate  (1)
Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate  (1)
Soleal syndrome  (1)
Soleus syndrome  (1)
Solubility  (1)
SOV concept  (1)
Spa  (1)
Speckle Reduction Imaging  (1)
Spherical  (1)
Spider veins  (2)
Sport  (2)
SPT  (1)
Stability  (2)
Stand  (1)
Standardised dynamometric measurement  (1)
Standardization  (2)
START  (1)
Stasis dermatitis  (1)
State of the veins  (1)
Static posture  (2)
Steam  (1)
Stent  (3)
Sterile gas  (1)
Stiffness  (1)
Stiffness  (1)
Stiffness index  (5)
Stocking  (4)
Stockings threader  (1)
Strenuousness  (1)
Stripping  (3)
Stroke  (2)
Subcutaneous laser  (1)
Subjects at risk of developing varicose veins  (1)
Suicide attempts  (1)
Superficial thrombophlebitis  (3)
Superficial veins  (1)
Superficial venous disease  (1)
Superficial venous insufficiency  (9)
Superimposition  (4)
Support bandaging  (1)
Sural nerve artery  (1)
Sural nerve vein  (1)
Surface tension  (1)
Surfactant  (1)
Surgery  (14)
Surgical thrombectomy  (1)
surgical treatment  (2)
Surgical treatment of varices  (1)
SVS  (1)
Swollen legs  (1)
Symptoms  (1)
syndrome de May Thurner  (1)
syndrome du casse-noix  (1)
Synergy  (2)
Systematic network  (1)
Systemic chronic inflammatory vasculitis  (1)
Systemic thrombolysis  (1)
Technical environment  (1)
Technique  (2)
Techniques of puncture  (1)
Technological development  (1)
Telangiectases  (12)
Telangiectasias  (5)
Tensio-active  (1)
Terminal valve  (1)
Testosterone  (1)
Textile  (1)
Texture  (1)
Thalassemia  (1)
The elderly  (1)
Therapeutic compliance  (1)
Therapeutic indications  (1)
Therapeutic instruction  (1)
Therapy  (1)
Thermal ablation  (9)
Thermal and non-thermal ablation  (1)
Thermal sensor  (1)
Thermo bouton  (1)
Thermoablation  (1)
Thermocoagulation  (1)
Thermodynamic foaming  (1)
Thermography  (1)
Thermoregulation  (1)
Thigh  (2)
Thigh circumflex vein  (1)
Thoracic outlet  (1)
Threatened limb  (1)
Three-dimensional (3D) or three-dimensional  (1)
Three-dimensional modeling  (1)
Three-dimensional regenerative ambulatory phlebotherapy (TRAP)  (1)
Thrombo-embolic event  (1)
Thrombolysis  (1)
Thrombophilia  (10)
Thrombophilia testing  (1)
Thrombose  (10)
Thrombose liée au PICC-line  (1)
Thrombotic events  (1)
Thrombus  (1)
Thrombus removal  (1)
Tibia  (1)
Tibial posterior compartment syndrome  (1)
Time off  (1)
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)  (2)
Training of caregivers  (1)
Tranexamic Acid  (1)
Transcranial Doppler  (1)
Transfer  (1)
Transillumination  (3)
Transthoracic echocardiography  (1)
Transversal  (1)
Transversal puncture  (1)
Treatment  (6)
Treatment in two stages  (1)
Treatment of varices  (1)
Treatment time  (1)
Tributaries  (2)
Trophic disorders  (2)
Tructure  (1)
Truncal reflux  (1)
Tuberculosis  (1)
Tumescent  (5)
Tumescent local anesthesia (TLA)  (5)
Tumour of the calf  (1)
Tunica media injury  (1)
Two layer compression  (1)
Ulceration  (1)
Ultrasonography  (1)
Ultrasound  (1)
Ultrasound doppler under pharmacological under pharmacological stimulation  (2)
Ultrasound examination  (7)
Ultrasound examination  (1)
Ultrasound guidance  (1)
Ultrasound guided glue therapy  (1)
ultrasound therapy  (1)
Ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy  (2)
Ultrasounds  (6)
unequal length of the lower limbs  (1)
Unusual localizations  (1)
US-guided foam sclerotherapy  (2)
US-guided liquid sclerotherapy  (1)
USGFS  (3)
Vaccination  (1)
Validated indications  (1)
validation  (2)
Valve  (1)
Valves  (2)
Valvuloplasty  (1)
Variceal recurrence  (1)
Varices  (6)
Varices after surgery  (1)
Varices of the sheath of sciatic nerve  (1)
Varicoceles  (1)
Varicophlebitis  (1)
Varicose ulcers  (2)
Varicose vein  (1)
Varicose vein surgery  (1)
Varicose Veins  (5)
Varicose veins  (71)
Varicose veins and pregnancy  (1)
Varicosities of the sciatic nerve sheath  (1)
Vascular access  (1)
vascular anomaly  (1)
Vascular disease  (1)
Vascular entrapment  (1)
Vascular involvement  (1)
Vascular medicine  (2)
Vascular surgery for DE  (1)
Vascular ulcers  (1)
vascular venous malformation  (1)
Vasculitis  (2)
Vasoconstriction  (1)
Vein incontinence  (1)
Vein of Giacomini  (3)
Vein wall  (1)
vein-stripping  (1)
Veins  (5)
Vena cava  (2)
Vena cava  (4)
Vena cava filter  (2)
Venoactive drug  (1)
Venoactive drugs  (1)
Venoactive drugs  (1)
Venoactive drugs  (1)
Venoactive drugs  (1)
Venoactive treatment  (1)
Venospasm  (1)
Venous age  (2)
Venous anatomy  (1)
Venous aneurysms  (1)
Venous chronic insufficiency  (15)
Venous compartments of the upper limb  (1)
Venous compression  (8)
Venous dilation  (1)
Venous disease  (17)
Venous disease  (1)
Venous doppler  (1)
Venous echo-Doppler  (2)
Venous function  (1)
Venous hemodynamic  (1)
Venous hypertension  (1)
Venous insufficiency  (10)
Venous insufficiency of the great saphenous veins  (1)
Venous introducer  (1)
Venous lake  (1)
Venous leg ulcer  (2)
venous malformation  (3)
Venous malformations  (1)
Venous malformations  (1)
Venous malformations of the knee  (1)
Venous obstruction  (1)
Venous oedema  (3)
Venous pain  (2)
Venous pathology  (1)
Venous physiopathology  (1)
Venous physiopathology  (2)
Venous popliteal aneurysm  (2)
Venous pump  (1)
Venous recanalisation  (1)
Venous reflux  (5)
Venous return  (2)
Venous risk  (1)
Venous risk factors  (2)
Venous state  (1)
Venous stenting  (1)
Venous stenting  (1)
Venous surgery  (6)
Venous system  (3)
Venous system anatomy  (1)
Venous thrombectomy  (1)
Venous thromboembolic complication  (1)
Venous thromboembolic risk  (1)
Venous thromboembolism  (2)
Venous thromboembolism  (6)
Venous thromboembolism  (2)
Venous thromboembolism  (4)
Venous thrombolysis  (1)
Venous thrombosis  (11)
Venous thrombotic events of the extremities  (1)
Venous tumor  (1)
Venous ulcer  (1)
Venous ulcer  (11)
Venous valvular insufficiency  (1)
Venous volume  (1)
Venous wall remodelling  (2)
Vertebral venous plexus  (1)
Videocapillaroscopy  (1)
videoscopy  (1)
Villalta PTS scale  (4)
Viscoelasticity  (1)
Visual disturbances  (3)
Vitamin C  (1)
Vitis vinifera  (1)
VITT  (1)
Volume  (2)
Volume flow  (1)
Volume of foam  (1)
Vortex  (3)
Vulval and perineal varices  (1)
Vulvoperineal varices  (1)
Waist measurements  (1)
Waking  (1)
Warmth  (1)
Water diseking  (1)
Water scattering  (1)
Water vapour  (2)
Wavelength  (1)
Wet foam  (1)
Woman  (1)
Working pressure  (2)
Wound  (1)
Wound dressing  (2)
Wound dressing  (1)
Wound management  (1)
Xcross-Beam  (3)

- 3 - 4 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X