Phlébologie - annales vasculaires


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1. In addition to information about phlebology in general, its Societies, and its Congresses, “Phlébologie-Annales Vasculaires” publishes various types of articles:
     (a) the text of communications regarding discussions of the Society, i.e. regular or special meetings.
     (b) original articles, reviews of the literature solicited by invitation or proposed by their authors,
     (c) updates
     (d) articles of opinion (editorials),
     (e) analysis of articles, books, or meetings.

Texts of Society presentations, accepted by the organizers prior of a meeting, must be presented to the secretary the same day of the meeting. These texts that reflect the activities of the society and are the backbone of the publication as determined by its founders are not subject to the review of a Reading Committee since they were the subject of a prior selection by the organizer of the corresponding session. If after notification by the Chief Editor these texts are not received in a timely manner, only the abstracts provided by the author before the scheduled meeting will be published. Questions and answers documented during the session shall be drawn up by the Chief Editor.

Unsolicited and submitted texts for inclusion in “Phlébologie- Annales Vasculaires” are systematically reviewed by a committee. These articles are then corrected by anonymous reviewers. If an article is rejected, the comments of the committee shall be communicated to the authors.

Published opinions and conclusions presented in the published articles are the sole responsibility of their authors and not of the journal or its publishers.

Authors assume responsibility for texts and illustrations, particularly as regards rules of copyright.

The authors must disclose all private or public funds which have been used in their work, as well as their financial involvement in personal financial gain from the presented results.


2. In order to facilitate reading of manuscripts by the Reading Committee, authors must comply with the following set out rules. Failure to comply with layout and presentation standards will result in return of the manuscript to the author without reading.

Manuscript presentation standards

Printed manuscripts must be delivered by email or on a CD delivered by mail containing double-spaced text with margins of 2.5 cm per side with Classic typeface and numbered pages, photos, figures, and tables.


1. Page title

Article title (short titles are best).

The name of the authors, their titles, and affiliations.

Address, telephone number, fax number and simplified title that will be included in the header of each page.

Keywords (maximum 3).


2. Abstract or summary on a separate page, with a 200 word maximum structured into 5 parts and without figures, tables or references: I. Introduction– II. Objectives – III. Methods – IV. Results – V. Conclusions.

Unless the author includes a personal translation, a French translation will be provided.


3. Text (10 pages maximum unless prior approval has been granted by the editorial team).

Recommendations for writing articles

The scientific and techniques presentations should come close to the most common formats (1-2): introduction, aim of the study, materials, methods, results, discussion and conclusions.

The technical notes for which the plan above cannot be applied should follow it as closely as possible.

The didactic articles and revues of the literature should refer to the most recent and relative publications.

(Reviews of books and articles, as well as the proceedings of meetings should be viewed by the authors with impartiality or must be published as an opinion”).

The usual rules of writing must be utilized as regards abbreviations, units of measure, brand names, etc.

Some invaluable writing guidelines are contained in research papers and articles referenced above: for articles in French [3, 4] and articles in English [5] which some may be tempted to write after their publication in French.


4. References (include on a separate page). References will be indicated in the text by a number superscript and will be numbered and presented consecutively by order of appearance in the text and according to the rules defined by the Vancouver Group [1, 2] in accordance with their conventions. The order of items and punctuation are most important. Author A, author B, phlebological article X, journal Y 1990 ; n° Z : pp beginning-pp end. Citations of articles, books, chapters in books, etc., follow different but precise rules. It is worth the effort to check on each instance (1 - 2).

Works not published or unreferenced should simply be cited in the text in parentheses.


5. Figures and tables (separate page). Illustrations should be completed in ink or by computer and must be published as same, without any editing except for size adjustment. They should clearly be noted in the text. Tables should be understood even out of context and should not be pointless with the text.


6. Legends of figures and tables, typed (separate page).

To respect the anonymity of the editing, names of authors should be listed only on the title page.


1. International Committee of Medical Journals Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscrits submitted to biomedical journals. Br. Med. J. 1988 ; 296 : 401-5.

2. International Committee of Medical Journals Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscrits submitted to biomedical journals. Ann. Intern. Med. 1988 ; 108 : 258-65.

3. Huguier M., Maisonneuve H., Benhamou C.L., et al. La rédaction médicale. De la thèse à l’ar ticle original, la communication orale, 2e éd. Paris : Doin, 1992.

4. Huguier M. La rédaction médicale. J. Mal. Vasc. 1993 ; 18 : 93-5.

5. Moseley J.E. Guide pratique pour rédiger un article en anglais. Principes de rédaction des articles scientifiques en langue anglaise, 2e éd. Paris : Tempo Médical-Maloine, 1993.


The views expressed in articles or reproduced in analyses are the opinion only of the author. Manuscripts not included are not rendered.

The publication “Phlébologie-Annales Vasculaires/Phlebology-Vascular Annals” meets the requirements for continuing medical education.



Société française de Phlébologie


Organe officiel de la Société Française de Phlébologie

Phlébologie-Annales Vasculaires
Organe officiel de la Société Française de Phlébologie
Rédacteur en chef : François-André ALLAERT - Directeur de la Publication : Albert-Claude BENHAMOU -

Edition - Publicité - Abonnements : Editions Phlébologiques Françaises
Siège Social : 29, rue d’Anjou - 75008 Paris - Tél. : 01 45 33 02 71 - Fax : 01 58 45 15 77 - De l’étranger = Tél. : 33 (0)1 45 33 02 71 - Fax : 33 (0)1 58 45 15 77
Site : - E-mail :

Conception, réalisation : bialec